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Childwatch International Newsletter: June 2013 Issue

The Childwatch International Research Network disseminates every month an online newsletter with the latest news on child research; publications, news, conferences, events, including the latest news from our Key Institutions. 

Childwatch International links local, regional and national research efforts to an international research based knowledge, practice and policy on children’s issues. If you have any information regarding child research you would like added to our newsletter, please send us an email: with the subject: Newsletter item.

Items of Interest:

  • 2013 Election of Childwatch Board: Call for Nominations. Childwatch International invites nomination of candidates for the Board of the Childwatch International Research Network for the period 2013 – 2016. The Call for Nominations will remain open for a six week period commencing on Monday 3 June and closing on Monday 15 July 2013 to allow all nominations to be submitted for the new 10 member Board. Read more...
  • New Journal to be launched: The Lancet Global Health: develops The Lancet's commitment to evidence-based medicine and public health in low-income and middle-income countries and offer readers unrestricted access to all content. Launching in June, 2013, The Lancet Global Health Journal will publish high-quality original research, commentary, correspondence, and blogs on the following subjects as they pertain to low- and middle-income countries: reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health; adolescent health; infectious diseases, including neglected tropical diseases; non-communicable diseases; mental health; the global health workforce; health systems; health policy; and public health. Read below for the journal's call for papers.

New Research Projects, Guides and Tools:

  • Recent work from the Cornell Youth in Society project. The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research's Cornell Youth in Society carries out research and outreach to understand and enhance community supports and opportunities for young people making the transition to adulthood in the United States and around the world. Read about their latest projects: Mentoring Youth at Work and Multiple pathways through education to careers. Read more...

Calls for Abstracts/Papers/Proposals:


  • Inequalities in Children’s Outcomes in Developing Countries. Time and place: Jul 8, 2013 - Jul 9, 2013, St Anne's College, Oxford, England. This conference will bring together papers that discuss the extent of inequalities in key indicators of children’s human capital and well-being, especially how inequalities change and evolve, and the factors that mitigate or reinforce early inequalities and explain their evolution over time.



Research Reports:

  • Unicef Report: State of the World's Children: Children with Disabilities. The 2013 edition of The State of the World’s Children, launched May 30, is dedicated to the situation of children with disabilities. The report examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from participating fully in society. Read more...
  • Child Responsive Accountability. This paper links the concept and practice of accountability with child rights, by asking: (1) What accountability means when children are the rights holders, and whose role is it to exact that accountability? (2) What are the assumptions underpinning social accountability, and how can they be revised from the child-rights perspective? (3) How do social and political dynamics at community and national levels, often not linked to child rights issues, shape accountability outcomes? Read more...

Journal and Bulletins:

Working Papers:

Policy Briefs:

Links to the latest newsletters on child research:

Developments: Newsletter of the Society for Research in Child Development -April 2013 (Volume 56, Number 2)

Healthy Environments for Children Alliance listserv - WHO - May 2013

Global Immunization Newsletter (GIN) -WHO - April 2013 Issue - Special Report of World Immunisation Week 2013

CanChild Today - May 3, 2013 Centre for Childhood Disability Research

Better Care Network Newsletter -April 27 Issue

Published June 3, 2013 11:52 PM - Last modified June 4, 2013 9:08 AM