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Childwatch International Newsletter: April 2013 Issue

The Childwatch International Research Network disseminates every month an online newsletter with the latest news on child research; publications, news, conferences, events, including the latest news from our Key Institutions. 

Childwatch International links local, regional and national research efforts to an international research based knowledge, practice and policy on children’s issues. If you have any information regarding child research you would like added to our newsletter, please send us an email: with the subject: Newsletter item.

March-April 2013 Issue

Items of Interest


New Research Projects, Guides and Tools:

  • Youth Mentoring: What makes it work? Equity for Children has begun a collaboration with the New York City Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD), researching and assessing the effectiveness of its Cornerstone Mentoring Program. Participants are mostly African-American and Latino boys in the fifth to nine grades. Read more...

Calls for Abstracts/Papers/Proposals:

  • Convocatoria sobre Juventudes & Ciudadanía. Convocamos a los interesados a reflexionar  sobre la condición  crítica y movilizadora que están viviendo los jóvenes en esta coyuntura sociopolítica y que resuena con otros movimientos juveniles internacionales. Fecha de cierre; 30 de abril 2013. Read more...
  • PhD in Child and Youth Research at Trinity College Dublin. Applicants are invited for the next intake of the cross-institutional, structured PhD in Child and Youth Research programme scheduled to commence in September, 2013. This is a four year, full-time PhD delivered as part of a collaboration between NUI Galway and Trinity College Dublin. Closing date is Tuesday 30th April 2013. Read more...


  • Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2013: Evidence into action. The Sexual Violence Research Initiative announces the 3rd international conference on sexual violence research. The aim is to promote promising practices for preventing and responding to sexual and intimate partner violence. The Forum 2013 will be co-hosted by Partners for Prevention. 14 – 17 October, Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Bangkok, Thailand. Read more...


Research Reports:

Journals and Bulletins:

Working Papers:



Links to the latest newsletters on child research:

Center on the Developing Child - Harvard University - February Issue

Home: The Child Recovery and Reintegration Network - April Bulletin

International Bureau for Children's Rights: Newsletter on Children’s Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

International Bureau for Children's Rights: The Forum on Children in Armed Conflict Newsletter

International Bureau for Children's Rights: The Middle East and North Africa Newsletter

Better Care Network Newsletter - March 2013

International Social Service ISS - Monthly Review- N° 170-March 2013: Child-headed families - A form of alternative care among others?







Published Apr. 10, 2013 2:42 PM - Last modified July 5, 2013 10:42 AM