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Childwatch International Newsletter - November 2013

The Childwatch International Research Network disseminates every month an online newsletter with the latest news on child research; publications, news, conferences, events, including the latest news from our Key Institutions. 

Childwatch International links local, regional and national research efforts to an international research based knowledge, practice and policy on children’s issues. If you have any information regarding child research you would like added to our newsletter, please send us an email: with the subject: Newsletter item.

Items of Interest

  • New Childwatch International Board 2013

    A new 10-member Board for Childwatch has been elected by Childwatch Key Institutions for a three year term. The new board’s membership reflects the global reach of Childwatch and the broad range of expertise within the Child Research community. Read more...

  • Launch of Ethical Research Involving Children -

    Childwatch International is proud to announce the release of (ERIC)  Ethical Research Involving Children Project  - This is a joint initiative by Childwatch International Research Network, the UNICEF Office of Research, the Centre for Children and Young People at Southern Cross University and the Children’s Issues Centre at the University of Otago. The release of Ethical Research Involving Children includes an International Charter, Compendium and Interactive Website. This issue of the Childwatch Newsletter includes an item on the Charter, a Unicef animated video to the Ethics Project and an interview with our board member Nicola Taylor from The Children's Issues Centre at the University of Otago, who has been behind the project from the start.  Read more...

New Research Projects, Guides and Tools:

  • Ethical Research Involving Children: The animated video. The Ethical Research Involving Children Project is intended to provide both guidance and a forum for discussion offering help and solutions. It encourages greater consideration of ethical issues as part of a reflective process between researchers and children. UNICEF has created an animated video to the project.  Read more...

Calls for Abstracts/Applications: -  Remember to check all upcoming deadlines.

  • Master of Philosophy in Childhood Studies - Application deadlines MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHILDHOOD STUDIES, NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR CHILD RESEARCH, NTNU - APPLICATION DEADLINES. The programme is open to both intenational and Norwegian students. The approach is multi-disciplinary, with particular emphasis on perspectives drawn from disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, geography, and history. Read more...
  • Abstract Submission Opens on 1st December 2013 for 20th International Aids Conference 2014 Melbourne. The convening of the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014) in Melbourne, Australia, in July 2014 is the premier gathering for those working in the field of HIV, as well as policymakers, people living with HIV and others committed to ending the epidemic. It represents the opportunity to highlight the diverse nature of the Asia Pacific region’s HIV epidemic and the unique responses to it. Time and place: Jul 20, 2014 - Jul 25, 2014, Melbourne, Australia. Read more...



Online Debates and Events

  • Research Watch: Violence Against Children. Important progress has been made in deepening the understanding of violence against children. More has been learnt as well when it comes to solutions to the problem and what can be done to address it. And yet, violence against children still lacks traction on the public policy agenda and responses are not always effective. Why and what can be done? Online debate & commentaries. Read more...
  • HREA Distance Learning Programme - Courses on Children's Rights. HREA offers self-directed e-courses, tutored e-learning courses and training workshops for human rights defenders and educators, development and humanitarian workers, staff members of social justice organisations, international and inter-governmental organisations, law enforcement officials and legal and media professionals. Read more...


Conference Proceedings:

  • Counter Child Trafficking: Global Online Conference. The Global Online Counter Child Trafficking Conference which concluded on 18th October brought together the global Counter Child Trafficking community to connect, share and learn from what works on the frontline in a free and accessible format through the use of technology. Videos from the conference are now available online. Read more...
  • 8th UNESCO Youth Forum - Conclusions of the ForumThe 8th UNESCO Youth Forum came to a close on Thursday 31 October, in Paris, with the adoption of 10 strategic recommendations for future youth action and the selection of 15 Action Projects to receive the Youth Forum label, which are to be put into action by young people from across the world. Read more...

Research Reports:

  • Nutritional status in northern Nigeria, prevalence and determinants: a review of evidence by Eldis. In its new issue the Eldis Development Reporter presents: Nutritional status in northern Nigeria, prevalence and determinants: a review of evidence which outlines the approach, key findings and conclusions of a review of literature, written by Richard Longhurst and Alex Cornelius, on the prevalence and determinants of child and maternal undernutrition in northern Nigeria, and direct and indirect interventions to tackle undernutrition, globally and in Nigeria, undertaken in 2012.  Read more...

Bulletins and Newsletters:

  • October E-Bulletin of Home: The Child Recovery and Reintegration Network. The latest from research and practice on caring for children and young people affected by sexual exploitation and trafficking across the globe. This bulletin includes reports on Global learning on family reintegration in low and lower-middle income countries, research on factors surrounding the family reintegration of street girls in Kinshasa, DRC and ethical principles for the re/integration of trafficked persons - Experiences from the Balkans. Read more...



We welcome comments or feedback about our newsletter and website. Please remember we are always happy to receive news about the latest child research to help disseminate and transfer knowledge.

Please forward this e-newsletter to any colleagues who may be interested in the items published here.

By Natalia Qvortrup
Published Nov. 15, 2013 3:42 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2013 2:49 PM