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Inequality and Social Justice Roundtable Consultation

This report synthesizes a high-level Consultation convened by IDS and the UN Millennium Achievement Fund, which brought together leaders in the UN, NGOs, research institutions and governments to discuss the problem of global inequalities and the agenda to address them.

The report synthesises debates on social justice and the underlying causes of inequalities and exclusion. It highlights the impacts of inequalities on health, nutrition and education outcomes. It further examines experiences of successfully tackling inequalities, including those of several countries, of UN agencies, and of international NGOs. Finally, the report recommends thirteen policy actions that demonstrably enhance equity.

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Tags: ["social inequalities", "social justice", "exclusion"] By Dolf te Lintelo
Published Oct. 13, 2011 9:15 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:55 PM