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Time Poverty or Time Welfare in Austrian Families? Impact of family factors on children’s school achievements

This Policy Brief illustrates main findings of two European Centre's studies on whether today's parents have enough time for their children and/or provide sufficient support (for their children's achievements in school) focusing on: 1) the time spent by parents with their children of compulsory school age and 2) the links between family factors and school achievements. The authors are presenting main findings of an analysis of national and international data as well as the results of a survey carried out among Austrian parents and their children of compulsory school age (9 - 14). This policy brief is rounded off by conclusions and recommendations.

Time Poverty or Time Welfare in Austrian Families? Impact of family factors on children’s school achievements
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Tags: ["Family related issues", "education", "Austria", "Child research methodology development"] By Renate Kränzl-Nagl, Martina Beham. Vienna Policy Brief
Published July 4, 2008 11:51 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:54 PM