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Assessment of child protection needs in Syria – CPWG, September 2013

This report issued in September by the Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) presents the main findings of an interagency child protection assessment for Syria, covering the period February- May 2013.  A remote data collection methodology was used as well as a desk review component which took into account the findings of other processes monitoring child protection issues inside the country.

DOWNLOAD the FULL version or the SUMMARY

Data covered the governorates of Aleppo, Al-Hassakeh, Damascus, Dar’a, Homs, Idleb, and Rural Damascus. The report provides findings on key thematic areas: psychosocial wellbeing, physical violence, children associated with armed forces and armed groups, child marriage, sexual violence, child labour, separation from caregivers and access to basic services and information. 


This report, issued by the CPWG, presents the main findings of this interagency child protection assessment for Syria, covering the period February – May 2013. Graphs within the report present the primary information gathered through interviews with resource persons in the affected populations, and this is complemented by qualitative information from further primary information sources (through interviews with humanitarian workers) and a desk review of secondary information on Syria. In addition to this report, the CPWG have made the desk review (one component of this assessment) available as a separate document. The primary data collected through interviews has not been issued separately and remains with the CPWG.

This assessment report is one of the most robust and comprehensive accounts of the child protection situation available to humanitarians and policy makers to date. 

Tags: assessment, interagency child protection assessment for Syria, Syria, Child Protection Working Group
Published Oct. 7, 2013 4:04 PM