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2009 Education for All Global Monitoring Report – Overcoming inequality: why governance matters

This Report, which tracks progress annually towards the EFA goals, offers a comprehensive overview of the state of education in the world today. It provides national and international policy-makers with the analysis of complex issues, lessons learned and recommendations to provide equal chances in learning for all children, youth and adults.

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Press release>>

This seventh edition of the EFA Global Monitoring Report offers a warning to governments, donors and the international community. On current trends universal primary education will not be achieved by 2015. Too many children are receiving an education of such poor quality that they leave school without basic literacy
and numeracy skills. Finally, deep and persistent disparities based on wealth, gender, location, ethnicity and other markers for disadvantage are acting as a major barrier to progress in education. If the world’s governments are serious about Education for All, they must get more serious about tackling inequality.

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Tags: ["education", "inequality", "monitoring", "governance"]
Published Nov. 27, 2008 2:42 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:56 PM