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The Child Development Index 2012: A fascinating insight into how children are faring around the world.

The 2012 edition of the Child Development Index highlights the impressive progress the world has made in reducing child mortality and ensuring millions more children go to school.


At the same time it warns of the impact of the failure to tackle child undernutrition on children’s overall well-being.

Drawing on data on stunting and wasting, it looks at the disastrous effects of the food and financial crises on children.

Finally, it makes a series of recommendations to developing-country governments and to donors on tackling hunger and undernutrition.

The Child Development Index monitors child well-being in 141 countries, aggregating data on child mortality, primary-school enrolment and underweight. 


The Child Development Index 2012 1.91 MB

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Tags: ["child development", "index", "child monitoring", "child research data", "development", "education", "health"]
Published Nov. 9, 2012 11:47 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:56 PM