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Listen to Me! Children's Experience of Domestic Violence

The study explored children's experiences of domestic violence from the perspectives of the children themselves, their mothers, and professionals involved in service provision. Lives in Foster Care - The Educational and Social Support Experiences of Young People aged 13 - 14 years in long term Foster Care. 2005, Dublin: Children's Research Centre, Trinity College; This quantitative study looked at the day to day experineces of education and schooling for young people aged 13 - 14 years in long term foster care. Making a New Life in Ireland: Lone Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Mothers and their Children. 2005, Dublin: Children's Research Centre, Trinity College; This study explores the experiences of refugee and asylum-seeking mothers who are parenting alone in Ireland.To read more about the publications of the Children's Research Centre and to order copies, please see their publications page here>>

Tags: ["Domestic violence", "children's participation", "foster care", "education", "Ireland", "migration", "refugee and asylum seekers"] By Trinity College, Dublin: Children's Research Centre
Published July 4, 2008 11:13 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:57 PM