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Vietnamese children's perspectives on learning

The Centre for Children and Young People has partnered with ChildFund Australia to better understand:

Vietnamese children's experiences of, and views on, learning and primary schooling in rural and remote communities; how their views about learning and education might inform the development of quality, basic education provided in a safe and stimulating environment; and the ethical and methodological issues involved in undertaking culturally appropriate research in Vietnam that incorporates children's views and voices.

The research has a particularly strong focus on cultural issues involved in conducting research with children and young people in a context where, traditionally, children's views are not sought. The project has also involved capacity building and research training for a small team of Vietnamese researchers, two of whom visited SCU's Centre for Children and Young People in late 2009 to undertake training in child-inclusive research methods.

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Tags: ["education", "Vietnam", "children's perspectives", "research ethics"]
Published Aug. 24, 2010 10:45 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 5:01 PM