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The impact of India's Midday Meal Scheme - Young Lives Project

The deaths of 22 children in Bihar after eating poisoned school  meals has launched a wave of discussion in India. Young Lives has published a number of research papers and briefs  on the impact of the Midday Meal Scheme.



Young Lives research papers on the impact of the Midday Meal Scheme include:

The Impact of the Midday Meal Scheme on Nutrition, Young Lives Policy Brief 8, by Caitlin Porter, Abhijeet Singh and Ajay Sinha

School Meals as a Safety Net: An Evaluation of the Midday Meal Scheme in India, Young Lives Working Paper 75 by Abhijeet Singh with Stefan Dercon and Albert Park

Prioritising Nutrition in order to Achieve the MDGs in India, Young Lives Policy Brief 17 by Vijay Kumar


News coverage from Young Lives

Indian school lunch deaths are tragic but we must not lose perspective, comment piece by Abhijeet Singh in The Guardian, 19 July 2013

Midday meals for schoolchildren in India: More good than harm, The Economist Banyan blog, 20 July 2013

Food for Thought, comment piece by Renu Singh in The Times of India Education Times, 22 July 2013

Tags: midday meal scheme in India, poverty, India, schooling, school meals, nutrition, child death, Young Lives Project
Published July 25, 2013 1:16 PM