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Children’s Well-being in UK, Sweden and Spain: The Role of Inequality and Materialism

New research by Ipsos MORI for UNICEF UK has shown that children in the UK feel trapped in a "materialistic culture" and don't spend enough time with their families.

Following on from UNICEF's pioneering report in 2007, which ranked the UK bottom in child well-being compared to other industrialised nations, the research released today gives an in-depth comparison of over 250 children's experiences across three developed countries: the UK, Sweden and Spain.

Children in all three countries told researchers that their happiness is dependent on having time with a stable family and plenty of things to do, especially outdoors, rather than on owning technology or branded clothes.

Link to the full report, a report summary and the children's version.

Tags: ["UNICEF", "child well-being", "Sweden", "UK", "Spain"] By Agnes Nairn, Ipsos Mori
Published Sep. 22, 2011 9:20 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 5:02 PM