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What's new in research? A review of recent research in the field of children affected by HIV and Aids

January 2013 Issue No.13

This month’s review includes an important paper about the survival and development of children born into families affected by HIV (Chen et al, 2012), the importance of social and psychological support to HIV-affected parents for the survival of their children (Ruton et al, 2012), and issues related to children’s rights (Cheny, 2013) and child participation (Farmer et al, 2013), and care and support for orphaned children (Shibuya & Taylor, 2013; Zapata et al, 2013).

Reviewed in this edition of What’s New in Research?

  • Highly active antiretroviral therapy and adverse birth outcomes among HIV-infected women in Botswana
  • HIV-free survival among nine- to 24-month-old children born to HIV-positive mothers in the Rwandan national PMTCT programme: a community-based household survey
  • Killing them softly? Using children’s rights to empower Africa’s orphans and vulnerable children
  • ‘Other children say you’re not normal because you don’t live with your parents’. Children’s views of living with informal kinship carers: social networks, stigma and attachments to carers
  • Alternative care options and policy choices to support orphans: The case of Mozambique in the context of the SADC
  • Orphaned and abused youth are vulnerable to pregnancy and suicide risk

A PDF version of the full newsletter is available by clicking here .

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Tags: ["Child research", "child health", "HIV", "Aids", "orohans", "care", "child survival", "public policies"]
Published Feb. 8, 2013 10:38 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:00 PM