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The Children and Armed Conflict Unit, University of Essex

The Children and Armed Conflict Unit is based at the University of Essex, UK. The focus is on civilian children, and the main aim is to improve the situation for children in areas of armed conflict through the protection and recognition of children's rights. The Unit also provides a mailing list.

In addition to carrying out research, assessment visits and feasibility studies, and delivering training, the Children and Armed Conflict Unit combines expertise in international law with practical experience to design institutions, structures and systems that are responsive to the unique circumstances and demands of specific post-conflict situations, working with Governments, Inter-Government Organisations and Non-Government Organisations.

Since 1997 the Unit has worked in a number of conflict countries. The first major project was in Kosovo where the Unit focused on juvenile justice. Since then the Unit has worked in Turkey, Sierra Leone, Bosnia and has completed a number of research projects.

The International Section (International Policy and Programmes) of the Children’s Legal Centre, under which the Unit sits, has expanded its project portfolio significantly over the past four years. In addition to carrying out research and training, the Centre has worked in Eastern Europe, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Moldova. The bulk of our work is directed at reforming and establishing child protection systems to ensure that States’ systems are compliant with international standards.

Tags: ["Children and armed conflict", "violence", "children's rights", "well-being", "child protection", "children and the law"]
Published July 28, 2008 1:02 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:01 PM