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Better Care Network

The Better Care Network brings together organizations and individuals concerned about children without adequate family care.

Better Care Network is committed to:

  • Reducing instances of separation and abandonment of children;
  • Reuniting children outside family care with their families, wherever possible and appropriate;
  • Increasing, strengthening and supporting family and community based care options for children who cannot be cared for by their parents;
  • Establishing international and national standards for all forms of care for children without adequate family care and mechanisms for ensuring compliance; and
  • Ensuring that residential institutions are used in a very limited manner and only when appropriate.

The Better Care Network facilitates active information exchange and collaboration on these issues and advocates for technically sound policy and programmatic action on global, regional, and national levels.

The Better Care Network is guided by the UNCRC and the Stockholm Declaration.

Link to the Better Care Network

Tags: ["instituional care", "fostering and adoption"]
Published Sep. 26, 2008 2:26 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:02 PM