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Human Rights Watch-Children's Rights Division

The Children's Rights Division monitors human rights abuses against children around the world and works to end them. It investigates all kinds of human rights abuses against children: the use of children as soldiers; the worst forms of child labor; torture of children by police; police violence against street children; conditions in correctional institutions and orphanages; corporal punishment in schools; mistreatment of refugee and migrant children; trafficking of children for labor and prostitution; discrimination in education because of race, gender, sexual orientation, or HIV/AIDS; and physical and sexual violence against girls and boys. Children's physical and intellectual immaturity makes them particularly vulnerable to human rights violations. Their ill-treatment calls for special attention because, for the most part, children cannot speak for themselves, their opinions are seldom taken into account and they can only rarely form their own organizations to work for change.

Contact Details:

Human Rights Watch,    350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor,    New York, NY 10118-3299   

Tags: ["children's rights", "children's well-being", "child protection", "migration", "violence", "child labour", "poverty"]
Published July 30, 2008 2:46 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:08 PM