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Psychosocial Research and Support

Research resources

Research articles (2009) from the Arab Psychological Science Network electronic journal about prevalence and councelling by researchers at the Centre for Development in Primary Health Care, Al Quds University

Book: Child and Adolescent Mental Health edited by Usha Nayar. Phd. Published by SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd. January 2013 

Journal of Child and Adolescent Health

Networks and Institutions

The Children and War Foundation, based in Bergen, Norway, has been created to ensure that more solid knowledge about children can be gathered, and then used to improve the care of all children affected by war and disaster.

The Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations is a research centre which promotes the psychosocial well-being of children and adolescents living in vulnerable situations in Southern countries. This is mainly effected through the execution of practice-oriented research.


IGO and NGO resources


Tags: war, psychosocial support, disaster
Published Jan. 26, 2010 10:36 AM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2013 11:13 AM