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ILO Mekong Sub-Regional Project to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women

Project by the International Labour Organisation, regional office of Asia and the Pacific. The website offers good and extensive information resources on trafficking and economic exploitation of Women and Children in the Mekong region (Cambodia, China (Yunnan), Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam)

Project to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women (TIWC) is part of the ILO effort to achieve full ratification and development of ILO Convention 182 (Elimination of Worst Forms of Child Labour)


The project addresses trafficking in children and women preventively and holistically and is designed for and implemented at sub-regional level, incorporating five different countries. Sub-regional, national, provincial / district and community level are actively inter-linked in the project through regular cross sharing of information, and reporting on lessons learned in targeted sites in such a way that they inform future policy making.

TICW Phase II has formal collaboration agreements with Save the Children UK and the International Organization of Migration.

Website offers all their publications free in pdf format for easy download

Contact Details:

Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RO-Bangkok):
11th Floor, United Nations Building
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
P.O. Box 2-349
Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
Tel: +662.288.1234, Fax: +662.288.1735 or E-mail:

Tags: ["child abuse", "neglect", "violence", "mental health", "sexual abuse and exploitation", "child labour"]
Published Oct. 10, 2008 3:47 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:14 PM