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Monitoring Children's Rights - Indicators for Children's Rights Project

A project by Judith Ennew and Per Miljeteigs launched in 1993 designed to fit into the overall process within the field of human rights to develop indicators for use in monitoring the various international human rights treaties, particularly the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights.

The Childwatch International Monitoring Children's Rights Project was a complex endeavour that involved researchers, experts and activists from many different countries and at many different levels. The project was originally designed jointly with the former Director of Childwatch International, Per Miljeteig and Judith Ennew. They developed a proposal for a country case study to identify and develop child rights indicators. The project was based at the Children's Rights Centre at the University of Gent, Belgium and carried out in cooperation with professor Eugeen Verhellen, director of the Centre/under the auspices of the Centre for Family Research of the University of Cambridge

Childwatch International designed a project that analyses further specific needs for indicators to monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and suggests how the status of the various rights could be expressed through objective data. Through a series of country case studies, the project developed a strategy for identifying and developing appropriate indicators.Through the involvement of national research teams in the case studies as well as in its overall development, the project contributed to capacity building within child research and child welfare in the participating countries. It is characteristic of the project that it does not impose a set of universal guidelines but established a framework and a process through which country case study teams were able to develop protocols for data collection and indicator development that were relevant to regional, national and local situations.

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Indicators for Child Rights Project

European Conference on Monitoring Children's Rights organised by the Children's Rights Centre at the University of Ghent, Belgium, 11-14 December 1994

Global Advisory Committee for the project was held at the University of Cambridge, on 25-27 October

For the Congress against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, in Stockholm on 26-31 August, the experience from the project was utilised in a special report produced by Childwatch, the Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge and UNICEF: Children and prostitution: How can we measure and monitor the commercial sexual exploitation of children?

More Resources on Monitoring

See our Monitoring Research Page

Tags: ["children's rights", "monitoring", "Indicators"] By Judith Ennew
Published Nov. 4, 2008 12:43 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:45 PM