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Call for Papers on Child Indicators and Child Inclusive Research

The International Society for Child Indicators is organizing its 2nd International Conference: Counting Children In!, in collaboration with the University of Western Sydney, 4 - 5 November 2009. A symposium on child inclusive research takes place one day before the conference. Submit  your abstract before 19 June to take part in these important events!    

The International Society for Child Indicators and the Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre, University of Western Sydney are organizing the second conference of the International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI) and the Symposium on Children as Experts in their Own Lives. 

The ISCI conference Counting Children In! Child Indicators: Research, Theory, Policy and Practice is planned for 4 and 5 November this year. Note that the deadline for submitting abstracts to the two events is 19 June. To submit your abstract, see:

The themes which will structure the conference are:

  • Theoretical, conceptual and empirical issues in the development of child indicators
  • Measurement issues at levels of individual, family, community and globally
  • Diversity as a challenge to the construction and implementation of indicators.

There will be expert speakers from a range of backgrounds, contributed paper streams, and opportunities for dialogue and networking.

The ISCI conference will be preceded by a one-day (3rd Nov) Social Justice Social Change Research Centre (UWS) Symposium, Children as experts in their own lives: Child Inclusive Research. Plans for this symposium include hearing from children and from adult policymakers and academics on the topic of child research, in plenary and panel sessions and in contributed papers.

For more information about the events and how to participate, see the conference and symposium web site.

The Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre is a Key Institution of Childwatch International. ISCI has been supported by Childwatch International since its establishment, and several Key Institutions and network partners are involved in ISCI activities. 



Tags: ["Child Indicators", "Research Methodology", "Child Research", "Monitoring", "Conference", "University Of Western Sydney", "Isci"]
Published May 19, 2009 9:57 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:04 PM
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